Saturday 10 March 2012

♥ The Risalah of Women of Paradise (Al-hoor al-‘iyn) ♥

Thus. And We will marry them to fair women with large, [beautiful] eyes.

They will be reclining on thrones lined up, and We will marry them to fair women with large, [beautiful] eyes.

In them are good and beautiful women -

Fair ones reserved in pavilions -

Indeed, We have produced the women of Paradise in a [new] creation.
And made them virgins. Devoted [to their husbands] and of equal age.

Ibn Abid Dunya reported from Hawari, he said: Women of paradise were created directly (kun fayakun). Once their creation completed, then camps was installed over them. Therefore, Ibn al-Qayyim said that the tents are not ghuraf (rooms) or qushur (palaces), but it is a tent in the gardens and on the rivers.

Rasulullah Salallahu alaihi Wassallam said:

1. Hadith Abu Sa’id al-Khudri Rodiallohu 'anhu :

"The Messenger of Allah (Salallahu alaihi Wassallam) said: “The humblest of the People of Paradise shall have eighty thousand servants and seventy-two wives. A palace of pearl and peridot(a: A pale green variety of chrysolite; used as a gemstone) and sapphire shall be erected for him as wide as the distance between al-Jabiya [a valley about 70 kms. East of Makka] and San`a’ [in Yemen].”

2. Hadith Anas Rodiallohu 'anhu :

He Salallahu alaihi Wassallam said:

“The servant in Paradise shall be married with seventy wives.”

"Behold, the angels will be singing in heaven: We are the beautiful fairies is hidden specially for noble husbands." (Shahih al-Jami’: 1602)

3. Hadith Abu Hurairah Rodiallohu 'anhu :

He Messenger of Allah (Salallahu alaihi Wassallam) said:

"Each man among them shall have two wives, the marrow of each of the two wives' shanks will be seen glimmering under the flesh, and there is not in all Paradise a single unmarried man. They will have up to a hundred concubines in Paradise while the Shuhada shall have seventy-two wives, numbers indicating abundance rather than an exact quantity, and Allah knows best.

“The humblest of the People of Paradise in rank shall have seven levels and as he will be on the sixth, below the seventh, he will have three hundred servants, every morning and evening three hundred dishes of gold shall be brought before him, every dish carrying something the other does not. He will taste pleasure as sharply with the first dish as he will with the last. He shall say, ‘My Lord! If you gave me permission, I would feed all the people of Paradise and water them from what I have and nothing should go missing from it.’ He will most certainly have seventy-two wives from the wide-eyed maidens of Paradise, the couch of only one of whom is as wide as a square mile on earth.”

"Surely the first group who enter heaven is like the full moon at night. Next is like the brightest star in the sky light. They do not urinate, defecate not, and do not spit. Their combs made of gold, their oil is musk, the smoke is sandalwood, their partner is an angel, their akhlaq as the akhlaq of one person. Shape (posture) of Prophet Adam Alaihi salam as they like; 60 arms in the sky. "(Bukhari, Muslim etc.. Al-Jami 'al-Sagheer: 3778, Sahih al-Jami': 2015)

4. Al-Miqdam ibn Ma`dikarb Rodiallohu 'anhu said:

He Messenger of Allah (Salallahu alaihi Wassallam) said: “For the Shahid in the Divine presence there will be six qualities: [1] he will be forgiven from the first moment his blood is spilled; [2] he shall see his seat in Paradise and be protected against the punishment of the grave; [3] he shall be safe from the Greatest Terror [the rising of the dead]; [4] he shall be crowned with the diadem of dignity, one ruby of which is worth more than the entire world and its contents; [5] he shall be coupled with seventy-two spouses from the wide-eyed maidens of Paradise; and [6] he shall be granted to intercede for seventy of his relatives.”

5. Hadith Mu’adz ibn Anas Rodiallohu 'anhu ;

He Messenger of Allah (Salallahu alaihi Wassallam) said:
"Whoever is able to hold the anger when he was able to take it out, then Allah called him in the front of the creatures until He give him the right to choose whom he likes from the angels." (Abu Daud, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, hadith hasan. See Sahih al-Jami ': 6518)

6. Hadits Mu’adzt;

He Messenger of Allah (Salallahu alaihi Wassallam) said:
"No wife who hurt her husband's in the world but an angel who become her partner said:" Do not hurt him, may Allah curse you - in fact he was only visiting (at your home), he was about to leave you to our parting. "(Sahih al-Jami ': 7192)

7. Imam Ibn Qoyyim said:

"If you ask about the bride and the wives of the people of Paradise, they are teenage girls are plump and peers. In them young blood flowing, smooth and refreshed their cheeks like flowers and apples, they are firm and round breasts like pomegranates , their teeth are like diamonds quality, beauty and tenderness they always become the center of attention.

Beautiful face like a bright sun, the glint of light emanated from her teeth when she smiles. If you get her love, then say all you want about the two loves that bind. If you are talking to him (of course you once flowering), how well it was when the conversation between two lovers (the full persuasion, humor and praise). The beauty of her face was full cheeks, as if you look in the mirror is shiny clean (ie, describing the similarities between the beauty of an angel face with a mirror sparkling clean after being washed and cleaned, so it seems obviously beautiful, and pretty). The inside of the calf could be seen from the outside, if not hindered by the skin, bones and jewels.

Had she appeared (appears) in the world, surely the whole earth from west to east will smell her, and every living creature will say tahlil, tasbih, and takbir as shocked and amazed. And the two horizons will be decorated with a beautiful glow. Each eye will be blind, the sun will fade as the sun's rays beat the star. Surely all who saw her on earth will have faith in Allah Almighty, The Al-Qayyum. Veil on her head is better than everything in the world. Her desire to her husband transcends all her own desires and ideals. Not a day passes but will further add to the beauty and her pretty. Nothing but the distance that adds a sense of love and desire. Angel is a girl who was released from pregnancy, childbirth, menstruation and childbirth, purified from mucus, saliva, urine, feces and water, and all the dirt.

Her adolescence will not fade away, the beauty of her clothes will not wear out, her beauty will not fade, desires and passions will not weaken, her eyes are just drawn to her husband, never wants another. Similarly, the husband will always be on her. Woman of paradise (Al Hoor Al-'ayn) is the culmination of the dreams and desires. If she saw him, she would make him happy. If he asked her, she would be obey. If he is not in place, then she will look after it. Her husband is always with her, wherever he is. Her husband is the culmination of every wishes of hers and her sense of peacefulness.

In addition, this angel has never been touched before, either by the human and the ginny. Every time the husband look at her, the feeling of pleasure and joy will fill his heart. Every time he talked to, the beauty of the diamond quality will meet to her hearing. If she appears, the whole palace and every room in it will be full of light.

If you ask about her age, then they are young girls who are equal to age and bloom.

If you ask about the beauty of her face, so have you seen the beauty of the sun?!

If you ask about the dark of her eyes, hhe is the best that you see, the eyes are white with black spots which are very captivating dark eyes.

If you ask about its physical feature, have you seen the most beautiful tree branch that you ever find?

If you ask about the color of her skin, so bright as Rubies and Marjan.

If you are asking about the beauty of her akhlaq, they are girls who are very kind and benevolent, which combines the beauty of face and politeness. So they are awarded by the beauty inside and out. They are the happiness of the soul and the jewel of the eye.

If you ask about the good relationships and their services, it is no longer delights in others. They are girls whom really loved by the husband as a plenary worship and ministry, who live full time with the husband, full charm of harmony and romance.

What do you tell if a girl laughs at her husband, then the heaven shines beautifully? When she moves from one court to another court, you will say: "It's the sun that moves on its orbit." If she is joking, run and chase with her husband, O ... how beautiful ...! (From the Book of Hadil Arwah Ila Biladil Afrah (h.359-360)*

*other sources

note: some sources were translated and shared from a page in Bahasa Indonesia to English, and some sources added and taken from the webs mentioned above. ^_^

1 comment:

  1. Mashallah keep it going and arouse the desires of aakhirah in youth. Allah will grant you hereafter
